NERCORMP-Tirap organized handing over motorcycle cum 3rdDST-PNGOs review meeting on 27th November-2014. The program started at 10.30 am at the Deputy Commissioner Office parking ground. Deputy Commissioner,Shri. Kamlesh Joshi, IAS and Chairman TCRMS accompanied by ADC and Project Manager on reaching the venue was received by the NERCORMP-Tirap team comprising the DST staff and PNGOs. Project Technical Officer opened the ceremony program by calling the day a very special occasion as the motorcycle will be handed over to the concern PNGO for field visits in the project villages. He requested the DC to kindly hand over the motorcycle keys to Supervision Officer (SO)of PNGO. Mr. Mangcha Touthang, Institutional Development Organizer (IDO) read out the names of SO of the respective PNGO to come forward and collect the key from the DC. After completing the program, the Project Manager asked the NERCORMP-Tirap (DST and PNGOs) team to proceed to DC Office Conference Hall.

In the Conference Hall, Project Manager opened the day program with a Welcome Address and thanked the DC and ADC for sparing their valuable time in attending the program. The DC gave a short speech. He spoke about the importance of NERCORMP in the backward districts like Tirap and Longding. He exhorted the staff to be diligent and work sincerely and honestly in achieving the objective of the NERCORMP. NERCORMP is the only hope that can bring change to both the districts and he is confident that with the efficient and capable team of DST that the objective of NERCORMP will be accomplish.He also asked the PNGOs staff to use the motorcycle for official work only.
After the speech from DC, introductory session was held where the participants interacted with the DC. The meeting concluded at 11.45 am and followed with light refreshment.
The 2nd session of the meeting was promptly started. Presentation of consolidated tour report for the 2nd phase on Participatory Rural Appraisal and NaRMG formation by teams of DST and PNGOs were read out by the SO of the respective NGO.After the presentations, PM asked the PNGOs staff the challenges or issues that they faced during the PRA Exercise and NaRMG formation in the project villages. Questions were raised by the PNGOs staff which was clarified by the DST staff. PM gave clarification and instructions to be adhered to during field visits and interaction with the village communities.
- Complete NaRMG formation in the left out villages
- Annual Work Plan and Budget in Project villages along with the signatures of Executive Members. The work has to be completed on or before 16th December-2014.
- 17-19th December, the DST will organize training on Book Keeping and SHG concept and formation of SHG to project village.
The PM gave the details of the above mentioned work plan. Time was giving to Assistant Account Officer (AAO) to explain about the opening of NaRMG bank account and also maintenance of motorcycle Log Book. Documents required for opening of NaRMG bank account was made. How to make seals for NaRMG President, Secretary and Treasurer was also made by AAO. The IDO reminded the PNGOs the documents that have not been submitted or not received. The day program ended with words of thanked to the house by the PM.
Prepared and compiled by:
- Project Technical Officer – NERCORMP-Tirap
- Institutional Development Organizer – NERCORMP-Tirap